Advanced Project Management Techniques

Do you need to deepen your knowledge in the field of initiation, strategy, and planning of projects? Do you want to get better at working with the principles of agility, uncertainty, estimation, risk and assessing the project progress?

The target group

The programme is primarily designed for senior project managers and team leaders to expand their knowledge and sharpen their skills.
It is highly recommended for participants to have completed training in Effective Project Management.
The programme is also suitable as follow-up training within preparation for higher-level international certification and re-certification: IPMA Level A®, IPMA Level B®, IPMA PPMC®, PMI PMP®).

7 reasons you should choose this course

  • Broaden your knowledge and skill set throughout the project life cycle.
  • Learn how to enhance one’s ability to define the SCOPE of the project properly.
  • Learn how to improve working with uncertainty, estimates, and risks related to project decisions.
  • Learn the right way to create timelines and to design/maintain project schedules.
  • Learn what motivates people in a changing environment and how to work with motivation. (Learn to guide your team towards effective collaboration.)
  • Gain an overview of the method known as Earned Value Management for assessing project progress.
  • Gain an understanding of the Agile approach to managing projects.

Academy – an enjoyable and interactive learning format  

  • Cleverly thought-out activities laid out step by step – in-class and online.    
  • Flipped Classroom -  online self-study before the workshop and effective use of time for joint training.
  • Top-notch learning environment - SHINE Project Management Academy at DIGISKILLS website. 

Choose one of the three options for the same price

  • Online -  2 x 1 day of online training supplemented by microlearning. Online support available throughout the course. 
  • Hybrid – 1 x 1 day of in-class training and a total of 1 x 1 day of online training with microlearning tools and other learning support available both before and after each course part.
  • In-class - 2 x 1 day of in-class training complemented by microlearning and other learning support available both before and after each course part.

Course topics

How to estimate properly

  • What is an estimate.
  • Frequent errors in estimating.
  • How to estimate properly.

How to better agree the project scope - SCOPE management

  • The project context and goal formulation.
  • How to plan the project scope properly.
  • How to plan complex and multistage projects.

Advanced project scheduling techniques

  • Scheduling – how to do it.
  • The critical path method.
  • The theory of constraints and the critical chain.

Advanced project management techniques

  • Forming the project team.
  • Effective information transfer.
  • Earned Value Management.

Methods used and what is included in the price 

  • A comprehensive Project Thinking course - microlearning – (10 videos in total). Exclusive access to the learning management system (LMS) run by DIGISKILLS.CZ.  Interactive training – presentation/instruction, individual and teamwork and guided discussion, The on-site practice of key techniques on selected case studies, Workshop-related fine-tuned materials for personal note-taking, Model solutions to case studies presented, Presentations available in downloadable PDF format, Photos documenting flipchart work by trainers and participant teams available for download (after the course), Recommended literature.


Internationally accredited for certification and re-certification according to IPMA®.
Inspired by principles of PRINCE2® methodology. PMI® compatible.
Participants receive a certificate validating the completion of 16 hours in training.
(14 hours online/in-class and 2 hours of the microlearning self-study and individual tasks).  

Custom made course



Připomněl mi, jak některé činnosti během projektu lépe vizualizovat a snadněji prezentovat vůči týmu a třetí straně. Kurz je určen pro projektové manažery, kteří již nejsou začátečníky ve svém oboru, ale chtějí získat další pohledy a možnosti do své práce.

Šárka Procházková, Manažer pro strategii a optimalizaci procesu, Zentiva, k.s.

Školení bylo provedeno s vysokou úrovní a poutavým způsobem a nebyl tak problém udržet plnou pozornost po celou dobu.

Petr Kučera, Honeywell, spol. s r.o. – HTS CZ o.z

Profesionálové s praktickými zkušenostmi.

Vít Procházka, Moneta, a.s.

Skvělé srovnání myšlenek, jejich odborné pojmenování.

Jan Hehejík, VP, Metrostav a.s.

Zorientoval jsem se detailně – vynikající kuchařka.

Jiří Neužil, Manager výstavby sítě - T-Mobile Czech Republic

Osobní přístup lektora, skutečný zájem.

Luboš Hradecký, Manager - ASICentrum s.r.o.

Inspiration / Blog

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